
If BioGeometry genuinely interests you and you wish to learn more, the best place to start is with Dr. Ibrahim Karim’s two books (more on the way!). You can support this site through these paid links.

Back To a Future for Mankind: BioGeometry

BioGeometry Signatures: Harmonizing the Body’s Subtle Energy Exchange with the Environment

BioGeometry Signatures Mandalas Coloring Book

Familiarizing yourself with along with are also wonderful intros.

The BioSignatures Mandalas Coloring book is a great way to introduce children to BioGeometry and is a powerful method for flowing BioSignatures into your energy body.

If you’re short on time (aren’t we all!) then check out the BioGeometry YouTube Channel for some fascinating and insightful videos featuring Dr. Ibrahim Karim.

Here’s a great place to start:  Living 4D with Paul Chek

I feel that the more you understand BioGeometry the greater its benefits will be in your life. The Foundational Training at The Vesica Institute can teach you how to use a pendulum to determine which foods, supplements, medicines, stones and Biosignatures are the most supportive for you.

I also recommend The Vesica Institute YouTube Channel founded by Dr. Robert J. Gilbert (the 1st Westerner trained in Biogeometry by Ibrahim himself). Vesica is one of the finest schools for learning this amazing natural science. Dr. Gilbert is a true expert on Stones and Crystals and shares a lot in his illuminating videos.
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