
Cats are powerful allies in our battle against modern day stressors because they are masters at transmuting detrimental frequencies through their harmonizing purr.

Cats are actually attracted to the energizing effects of the Vertical Negative Green frequencies that our telecommunications systems travel on which are harmful to us. This little one just can’t get enough ‘puter time.

They’ll happily lay right atop a Wi-Fi router or electrical cord soaking up the stimulating energy content as can be, absorbing and eventually transmuting it through purring and other magical cat practices.

It’s like they can take bullets for us all day long and barely get scathed. Sure, they are indeed taking an energetic hit but not nearly as big a hit as we take when we absorb un-catified Wi-Fi.

Now I’m not suggesting that you get a bunch of kittens to place on your electronics like paper weights!

But you could leave your router in a place where they can easily lay on it, maybe even placing a blanket over it so they can more deeply commune with the energy (and more effectively transmute it). Should the blanket be made from radiation shielding fabric? That’s a good question for later.

On Microchips: I feel like micro-chips are so new that it’ll take time for the health effects of electronic implants to become evident.

A chip will only help you find your lost pet if they are brought in to a vet or shelter and are scanned; most of the time this is what a person would do if they find a lost animal, but there’s no guarantee.

Chips do not function as a GPS*, that’s a separate technology altogether requiring a bulky device and an expensive subscription.

GPS could certainly help you find a lost pet, however it could also scramble their mental circuitry at crucial moments like when they are crossing a road, leading to disaster. It could also interfere with their energy body leading to disease.

I suppose if I had a house-cat then I might microchip them as they’re not used to navigating the outside world and could get lost; my cats are out in the wild all the time and I simply trust that they’ll come back. I feel like a foreign implant is unwise in my cat situation.

There’s also these invisible fence type things*.

Do what’s best for you and your pet.

You could always get them a BioSignatures Pendant to balance their energy bodies so they’re far less susceptible to any ill effects from electronics including a microchip or GPS.

A pendant is probably a bit heavy for a cat or small dog but I imagine most dogs wouldn’t be burdened by the weight; dogs need energetic support more than cats anyway since they only bark and can’t purr.

For smaller animals you could place a pendant underneath their bed so they can be restored while resting.

Of course, if your home has a BG-EHS implemented then every inhabitant will fare much better with any electromagnetic stressors, even mice!


At the risk of someone thinking that my cat is a stray or feral I don’t put collars* on them because they are so active that I fear their collar could get caught on a branch and hang them; sadly, it does happen.

Unless your cat lives indoors where they’re definitely not going to get hung up on anything, breakaway collars* may be your best bet. A collar goes a long way in letting it be known that your cat has a person so they don’t get arrested for roaming. Break-away collars do, however, break away…in months, weeks, or minutes… so, just keep that in mind!

I hope to figure out a paper collar I could put on my cats for when we travel or camp so that a good Samaritan won’t suspect them to have been abandoned and understandably cat-nap them.

For now my strategy is simply to place a “Cats On Board” sign* on my vans windows so that hopefully people will recognize that the cute kittens belong to the (obviously) crazy cat person who lives in a van; hands off!

Cats and Me:

I used to have so many reasons why I couldn’t have a cat in my life.

What if they pee in my van? (No big deal; it all comes out in the wash. Especially with a good urine destroyer*.)

What if they meow incessantly? (Shushing works!) Or play ’em some cat music.*

If push comes to shove, these squirt guns* should do the trick.

Without a solid night of sleep I do not function very well (if at all) so I have to ignore my cats meows at night and early in the morning, but they’re always okay and happy to greet me once I wake.

What if they run away and I’m heartbroken? (It was brutal!)

Fortunately Cats, like love, are as perennial as the grass.

What if an animal attacks them? (Cats have claws and teeth and can climb up trees to escape Coyotes which they’ll smell well before Wiley shows up.)

Since we live on a wild mountain ridge Spice has had to fight off some predators which have never been a problem since she’s ferocious. She’s quick to run up a tree or hide under my van; it wouldn’t help her if she had her own cat-house since she’s always out and about amongst predators.

What if a Human catnaps them? (Then I’ll forever damn Humanity…)

Yet I’ve forgiven; they knew not what they did.

Plus Cats are expensive to care for, or so I thought.

I never chose to have a cat; I was adopted by one at a time when I was severely suicidal; Kittie’s unconditional love gave me a reason to live.

Van life with Kitty was especially challenging and anxiety ridden because she’d try to escape every time I stopped, even at traffic lights!

I had to keep my windows open since I don’t have A/C. She just didn’t understand that busy supermarkets are not safe places for kitties; she was dominated by her unbridled curiosity.

Cats haven’t had time to evolve and adapt to cars so sometimes they misjudge how to react to them; they can also go into trances while hunting and be unaware that they are on a road.

Kitty would never run off unless she got frightened by loud trucks, motorcycles, or mobs of people and then she’d usually be found hiding nearby in a bush.

A harness with a leash* will go a long way towards keeping your feline safe, but my cat parenting style is way more hands off.

By this point I’ve learned to trust in my cat’s natural instincts and their ability to sniff me out if we get separated.

My new cat Spice is older and wiser; she’ll safely hide under my van out of harms way if we park in unfamiliar territory or not even try to get out of my vehicle.


I spend $2 a day on average for dry cat food*, eggs, and canned salmon (their favorite!). Feeding them well needn’t be expensive. I don’t like buying factory-farm eggs but much like the BioGeometry Material Balancing Wheel, my cat is helping to transmute the dark energy from these factories by incorporating their meat into her bliss body and resonating with the forest while she is in direct resonance with the chickens who produced the eggs.

My cats have all grown up outdoors so they’re excellent hunters and easily catch mice and other creatures to supplement their diet with the full-spectrum nutrition which they can only get from eating nearly every morsel of a critter. In fact, Spice is such a good hunter that once Spring came about she stopped harassing me for Salmon, contenting herself on dry cat food. I tried to wean Spice off of ‘cat food’ when I adopted her, but she was already 5 years old and heavily addicted to cracky cat foods; I trust that her wild lifestyle helps her neutralize any ill effects that the synthetic chemicals in the food might produce.

My first cat Macy was also a junky, never knowing the good outdoor life, hunting, or fresh meat because I was too ignorant about Cats to know how to properly care for her. We were afraid she’d get lost, so we never let her outside until she was old and we had an elevated deck she could be on. She died of liver failure right in front of my eyes. She was a best friend for a decade and got me through my most painful adolescent years. I hope this webpage reaches people so their cats don’t have to live sad, unhealthy lives and die early deaths like my friend Macy did.

Macy was the Cat’s Meow

I know, it sucks that they kill; if only they could be vegan, but they’re obligate carnivores with short digestive tracts which do not process grains or veggies very well (if at all). For the best info on diet check out Feline Nutrition.

My Kitty has been one of the most important beings I’ve ever had a relationship with and I’ve grown so much from learning to interact and inter-be with her. She’s a true friend and teacher and her two kittens now three months old are becoming fast friends as well.

“The Inner Life of Cats: The Science and Secrets of Our Mysterious Feline Companions” by Thomas McNamee is a precious book that really helped me understand cats in a whole new light.

Jackson Galaxy is a famous cat ally here to help humanity to better understand our feline friends so we can have the most mutually beneficial re-elation-ships with them. Get catified by The Cat Daddy

Adopting and Fostering:

You can make a world of a difference in a cat’s life (perhaps even save it) by providing them food, water and shelter; it’s that simple.

Your local animal shelter or Craigslist is a good place to start your search. There’s also:

The fact is that millions of homeless cats have been euthanized because they don’t have a person. Big deal, right?

There are many lives to be saved, so please spread the word; I didn’t let poverty and homelessness stop me from caring for cats as best I could.

Cats are very self-sufficient and way more affordable to care for than I thought.

Even if we don’t have much money or time to give them, a shot at having a life is a precious gift to give to any sentient being, and they give so much back in return.

So if you’ve been on the fence about bringing a feline friend into your life please consider just how much of an energetic support they can be for you.

The truth is, life is better with cats.

Chillin’ with Spice <3

P.S. Dogs are cool too, (but you’ll need a stronger BioGeometry Solution)!

*As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. (Once I can afford to feed more cats I’ll finally be able to start a cat refuge on my land.)