
Dental Care and Orthodontics:

Can you believe how thorough I am? I even have something to say about this.

Okay, confession, it turns out that I didn’t know how to breath after all 🙁

I was doing it all wrong.

You might be thinking, “You lived 33 years without knowing how to breath?! Moron!”

It’s a lot more common than you think; again, they don’t teach us this stuff in school.

In fact, much of our modern diet is designed to keep our jaws from fully developing.

“How? Why!? I knew you were crazy!”

Accusations aside, let me break it down for you.

First of all, you know why; they’re trying to kill everybody. If 5G hasn’t made that clear for you then why are you reading my website?

How? (Don’t quote me). Our food is too soft and does not give our jaw muscles enough of a workout to properly strengthen them; as a result, our jaws never finish developing and end up narrowed. A narrow jaw constricts the airway leading to a plethora of problems.

I know I’m not doing the best job of explaining this; my intention is mainly to pique your interest because I’m sure if you’re curious and especially if you’re suffering from any jaw related pain you’ll find everything you need to know on the Orthotropics YouTube channel.

So if you wish to jump straight to the solutions, here you go!

“Doing Mewing”

Turns out I didn’t know how to properly chew, drink, or swallow either; I know right, what an invalid I must’ve been this whole time; lousy ‘education’ system…

“How to drink | Stop drinking in the way to sag your skin | Face posture”