

Well, come in! You won’t believe the energy quality up in here.

Balanced Being is a multi-faceted holistic wellness company here to support you in reaching and maintaining the highest level of health in every aspect: Physical, Vital, Mental, Emotional, & Spiritual.

Our main mission is to create energetically balanced homes to support and nurture the beings within so that you, your family, pets and plants can all function at your best and enjoy optimum levels of peace and well-being.

We accomplish this through the implementation of a BioGeometry Environmental Home Solution (BG-EHS).

I’ve strived to make this website a mega knowledge base where you will find a plethora of educational resources to support you and facilitate your self actualization. We intend to be a one stop shop for all of your holistic wellness needs.

Caution! There is A LOT of information ahead of you which may lead to a radical transformation of your life; please digest slowly.

We are quite literally light beings! Our cells communicate amongst themselves and with our environment by sending and receiving light!

As such we deserve to be sovereign and autonomous in our own bodies without being bombarded by uninvited frequencies (whether originating from within or without).

Environmental stress and pollution are bound to worsen exponentially with the impending release of 5G which will blanket our planet with potentially deadly frequencies making escape or shielding from electrosmog virtually impossible.

How are you faring on http://www.antennasearch.com/ ?

Usher in a new you with a supportive healing space that is sure to catalyze your highest potential.

What makes a house a home?

You’ve probably already invested a lot of time, money, and energy into making your house feel like a home. You’ve remodeled, reconfigured and restructured in hopes of having a space that feels more pleasant to be in.

Fortunately we now have scientific tools to actually measure the quality of the energy in and around your home as well as the tools to balance and harmonize chaotic energy and neutralize harmful frequencies.

It’s okay if you’ve never heard of BioGeometry before, neither had I just a few years ago. Someone has to be ahead of the curve to awaken others to what’s right in our faces but until recently did not have the technology to deal with.

Apparently that someone is you; thanks pioneer! <3

So, now that you’re ‘in the know’…

Why settle for anything less for you and your loved ones than living in a home saturated with the purest and highest energy quality found in nature?

Once a BG-EHS is implemented your home will be an energetic oasis of divine energy which will permeate your surroundings thus helping all sentient beings in your local environment.

What’s a better night of sleep worth to you in an environment that is supporting your healing rather than hindering your health?

Though BioGeometry is not a form of medical treatment anecdotal reports have claimed that it helped to eliminate or alleviate symptoms associated with Electrical Hypersensitivity (EHS) as well as many dis-eases associated with exposure to modern technology.

I wish you all the best in your Self-Actualization; may this website serve you well.

Disclaimer: This is a living website in a constant evolutionary process; as such, I’ve decided to publish my imperfect drafts since I know that many people need this information today and would be better served by my imperfection rather than my perfectly polished pieces. I’m aware of the missing links and the disorganized presentation of some of this material; I’m just doing the best I can here folks, masterpieces take time to craft. Please bear with me.

Copyright Notice: Except for the quoted content from BioGeometry and some stock images, all of the written content on this website was created by and belongs to Pablo Raul Corchon (all rights reserved) and may not be copied or reproduced without his expressed written consent. However, please share this website with anyone you think may benefit from it. Thanks in advance. God speed.