
Why Shielding Is Not Effective:

In a nutshell: Emfs are constantly bombarding us from every possible angle, soon to be a billion-fold worse with 5G literally blanketing every square millimeter of our planet with harmful frequencies.

An effective shield would consist of metals and other materials thick enough to block harmful frequencies from entering into our living spaces.

Consequently, these materials would also block these frequencies from exiting our living spaces; they would bounce around indefinitely like a racquetball trapped in a racquetball court.

Far smaller than a pin sized hole in the shield is all it would take to allow Emfs in.

Since we have to open our front door sometime it’s impossible for Emfs to not enter our space; once they’ve entered they will keep bouncing around our home since our shielding materials are not allowing them to exit.

In this scenario we’ll be in a battering chamber of detrimental waves and the effects on our bodies will be way worse than if we were in an unshielded home.

This same effect occurs with phone cases and protective clothing.

Unless you’re wearing a spacesuit type outfit specially and specifically designed for people who work on cell towers then EMFs will enter through the tiniest pinhole crack and start to bounce around inside your shielding armor.

If your phone has a shielding case then rather than EMFs passing right through they’ll be bouncing around near your head within the case.

I find this an unfortunate and inconvenient truth since the idea of shielding was once so appealing to me and made perfectly logical sense, at least for creating a sanctuary for sleeping.

This conclusion was drawn from anecdotal evidence by the people of Hemberg Switzerland who applied shielding technologies to their homes in an effort to protect themselves from the newly erected cell towers which were causing them a variety of diseases. Shielding ended up exacerbating their symptoms for the reasons explained above.

Sleeping in a Faraday Cage or even a shielded room could also have the effect of blocking out beneficent energies unless they are even more subtle than nn-EMFs as I suspect they probably are but am not certain.

Even if you did manage the feat of creating a truly shielded home you’re still going to want to go outside sometimes, right?

So what will protect you when you venture into the outside world?

Rest assured that BioGeometry has a solution for you. We don’t need to live in fear or in insulated bubbles.

When you’re out and about BioGeometry will protect you if you’re wearing a pendant or are sporting Biosignatures which you can easily learn to trace onto tape and wear like band-aids or even draw them on your skin if you’re talented at drawing.

Implementing a BioGeometry Environmental Home Solution will create so much beneficent energy that it will neutralize the negative effects of EMFs in your living space as well as help you recover from whatever stress or damage was incurred while you were in high radiation environments (cities).