Chemical Detox

Oftentimes conditions like Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) and Fibromyalgia go hand in hand with Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS) and can be triggered or worsened by mold exposure.

If you really wish to heal deeply it’s critical to understand how All the factors within your environment are contributing to your overall health.

My understanding is that our bodies can only tolerate a certain amount of stress before starting to break down. It could be that your Wi-Fi router or cordless phone is responsible for 80% of the stress you experience at home; then you go grocery shopping and develop a headache after passing by the cleaning aisle and have to sleep for a week to recover.

Was it the chemicals that caused this reaction? Or was it that your system was already near its breaking point from electromagnetic stressors and the chemicals you inhaled from the exuding laundry detergents sent your body over the edge into recovery mode?

In any case, this page aims to explore how the toxins associated with our modern lifestyles may be affecting you and what you can do about it.

And if you really want to dive deep into this subject I highly recommend this Building Biologist’s Blog which has been a saving grace in my life.

Warning: The truth about the materials which surround most of us can be difficult to face, especially if you do not have the means to improve your situation; still, knowledge is power.

On Laundry:

Conventional laundry detergents often include many ingredients which are toxic to our bodies and linger on our clothes even after they’ve been through a washing machine, this can wreak havoc on our bodies.

Dr. Bronners Magic Soap* is my all-time favorite because it’s super concentrated and lasts a long time when properly diluted (money saver!); plus all the varieties smell great and are super soft and gentle on skin. Bronners is so versatile that you can use it for anything that calls for soap.

Since I’m cheap I’ve been using good old-fashioned Baking Soda and Vinegar to wash my clothes; I’ve found that these household staples clean far better than anything I’ve used before (they tie with Bronners) and save me a lot of money.

I simply add a little baking soda to my laundry as this does most of the cleaning work (as does h20 which is a powerful solvent) and when I can catch the rinse cycle in time (and really feel like going all the way) I’ll add in a drizzle of plain white vinegar for a super deep cleansing.

Pro-tip: Human Urine contains Ammonia and will remove stains from clothes and clean laundry when combined with water.

“You mean to tell me the billion dollar detergent industry needn’t even exist!?”

No…c’mon people, don’t wash your clothes with pee, have some dignity.

On Makeup/perfumes/deodorant:

Omg, where do I even start with this one…; sigh, coming soon…

But just lemme ask you this!

What indigenous person ever coated the pits of their arms with Titanium? Hmm?

Not even a cyborg would do that…

Okay I’m sorry, I don’t mean to offend you, and obviously I am completely incorrect as most cyborgs do in fact apply titanium laced deodorants to be absorbed by the lymph nodes in their armpits; I just wish it didn’t have to be this way…

On Cleaning Chemicals:

I’m going to have to think about this one and get back to you. I don’t want to scare you, but there may be some pretty toxic chemicals lurking under your cupboards.

As for solutions, you can easily generate your own Hypochlorous Acid (HOCL) with something like

HOCL is stronger than bleach yet safe for Humans and animals.

If you know how to strip a cell phone charger down to the bare wire you could easily use that to run electrolysis through some pure silver wire to generate your own Colloidal Silver which is a powerhouse cleaner as it destroys viruses on contact and can be taken internally to kill off any pathogens and viruses. More info coming soon!