Kirtan & Mantra

Krishna Consciousness:

The International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) has been a saving grace in my life due to the clarifying power of the Maha Mantra (also known as the Hare Krishna Mantra). Maha means great, and indeed this Mantra is. It has focused my mind in ways that no other Mantra has and has gotten me through many rough periods in my life.

I’m spiritual but not religious.

ISKCON is a major organized religion and there are aspects that I do not resonate with so I sometimes felt like an outsider at the temples even though devotees were always very friendly and welcoming towards me.

For example, I’m very interested in Buddhism as a psychological toolkit for navigating our reality and have received great benefit from it but I’ve never been into it as an organized religion.

For me, the essence of ISKCON is in chanting the Maha Mantra either out loud or quietly within.

The whole reason that Srila Prabhupada founded the Hare Krishna Movement was to bring people together to chant the name of the Supreme Personality of Godhead: Krishna. Krishna is not separate from his name; therefore saying Krishna brings one into resonance with this divine being.

Singing with devotees of Krishna is a powerful practice which emanates peace and harmony to the world thereby cleansing detrimental energies including all forms of environmental pollution (much in the same way that BioGeometry does.)

Drums, Cymbals, Chimes, Flutes, Guitars, Harmoniums, Tambourines, and Singers all unite to form a heavenly orchestra to carry you into a clearer state of being.

The music is highly transcendental and is designed to take you deep into a space of peace and tranquility; in other words, deep into the Divine BG3 Energy.

You can find a plethora of Maha Mantra tracks through your favorite music apps/websites.


There are evermore Kirtans being offered throughout the Western world than ever before. Kirtan is a powerful way to connect to yourself and to higher beings and energies and can bring grounding and strength whenever you chant or tune into a recording.

I was turned on to Krishna Consciousness by Dr. Joe Marshalla when I first began to wake up to this whole EMF thing and found great solace from his talk:

Mind Control 1 – The Mechanics of Mind Control – Tools for the Awakening

This was in 2013 when I was just starting to understand the effects and impacts of the energy around me and was overtaken by anxiety and fear when I learned about HAARP technology which can modify weather and even transmit ultrasonic sound waves producing a “Voice to Skull” effect.

If you need any proof that “Voice to Skull” technology is real, (I sure did), just put on a Flanagan Neurophone NF3 for a moment with any audio file playing through it. Plug your ears with your fingers and be astounded by your ability to hear sound directly through your body (through your Saccule) by wearing the Ultrasonic Transducers.

Patrick Flanagan is a great man and genius inventor however he may have been missing some crucial information when he wrote his bestseller “Pyramid Power” in the 70’s as BioGeometry has since educated me on all of the highly detrimental energies that Pyramid shapes can emit if not correctly balanced.

Hint: Pyramids mummify; they dehydrate. And this energy quality is what is surrounding most of us most of the time. Thirsty?

Flanagan worked with John Lily, the inventor of the sensory deprivation tank and used it in conjunction with Neurophone technology to create a language to communicate with Dolphins.

Be sensible! Don’t believe anything you haven’t experienced with your own senses.

Stay skeptical. Don’t trust anyone who says they’re the final authority; real teachers know they don’t know it all.