
BioGeometry is an independent science and is not affiliated with any religion. I am an Independent Licensed Associate-Practicioner and am not directly employed by BioGeometry. The ideas expressed in this article are solely (souly) my own production.

Because I want to live in a peaceful, balanced world that is in line with the laws of nature (the NTRs, as the Ancient Egyptians would call them), I’d like to share with you my ‘cheat codes’ which helped form me into the Balanced Being that I am today.

My intention is to support your evolution, growth and healing in every way that I can.

Bear in mind that Hallucinogens and Psychedelics are challenging and difficult to work with. They are not an easy or quick fix, a shortcut, nor a magic bullet, but are a rather grueling and trying path, like bushwhacking through thick jungle full of poisonous plants and venomous snakes to return to your heart tribe. Though these medicines often lead to ordeals they give one the strength, courage, love and wisdom to hold and process all the pain that’s brought up to be healed.

For me, psychedelics are not about getting high, stoned or having some recreational fun. Rather, they are for accomplishing serious work (psychic surgery) to catalyze growth and healing and are especially powerful if approached with that intention, and even if not!

If you intend to walk this path please research it thoroughly; while these medicines are very powerful and offer remarkable potential for healing in rare cases they can do more harm than good; this is usually due to not take the proper precautions or making the proper preparations as described in the classic book “The Psychedelic Experience”.

Collective Humanity is living with Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder which is the end result of being bombarded with work responsibilities, traffic, dirty electricity, EMFs, pollution, and phones incessantly ringing and beeping at us.

Organizations like:

MAPS (The Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies)


Johns Hopkins Psychedelic Research Unit (

are finding that the #1 most effective treatment for PTS, PTSD, and C-PTSD is psychedelic therapy.

Roland Griffiths, Ph.D. on Psilocybin, Psychedelic Therapies & Mystical Experiences

Psychedelic medicines also work wonders for breaking addictions (whether to substances, behaviors, or thought forms) and treat complex diseases like OCD, Clinical Depression and debilitating Anxiety with greater effectiveness than just about anything else known to man.

Psychedelic experiences are not for the faint of heart but rather for people who are committed to the healing process and are ready to make whatever changes are required to heal.

Healing crisis can happen to a mind/body/spirit complex when the changes which one sees they need to make are complex, overwhelming, or just not currently possible within one’s life situation. Problems are often magnified to the point where one absolutely must take action to resolve them, and when this is not possible one can actually feel worse off (though they can now see the way out of their dilemma.) So it’s very helpful to study up (read this website!) and have a game plan for the new life that your psychedelic experience will catalyze.

Unfortunately, in most places on Earth we are not free to explore our minds and bodies as we may wish to; our bodies are apparently not our own. The War on Drugs is really a war on consciousness

Graham Hancock – The War on Consciousness – BANNED TED TALK

However, there are places we can go to access the depths of our minds, bodies, and consciousness which are our birthright.

The Shipibo people in Peru have been working with Ayahuasca for a such a long time that it is embedded into their culture and way of life.

You can connect with them through Kapitari, a fine organization committed to healing humanity so that The Amazon Rainforest can survive.

Kapitari Center of Investigation (Kapitari Centro de Investigacion)

The Amazon by the way, is a huge permaculture project that has been developed and tended for millennia.

In Oaxaca, Mexico you can find the power couple Guadalupe and Manuel holding healing ceremonies with sacred Mushrooms known in their traditional indigenous Zapotecan language as “Teonanacatl” or “The Flesh of the Gods”, aka “Los Ninos Santos”.

They are licensed and sanctioned by the state and have more than 40 years of practice along with a long history of ancestral sacramental use. I would not be here today without them as I was deeply depressed and suicidal before they facilitated my rebirth in June 2012.

It’s highly recommended that you have a shaman or guide (or at least a sitter) with you during your first experience as it will likely be among the most intense and important experiences of your life. /

However, once you fly a few times and feel like you’ve earned your pilot’s license you’ll likely feel safe continuing to journey under your own self-care. I felt during my very 1st experience that these realms/dimensions were very familiar to me so I was quite comfortable continuing the inner work on my own.

You only need to take a high dose once in order to catalyze permanent positive changes in the structure of your brain and mind however many are called to repeat the experience as each time brings illumination to chronic blockages and epiphanies on how to transmute them.

Hopkins reports that the #1 positive change that people reliably experience to the structure of their personalities is an increase in ‘openness’; Psilocybin Mushrooms lead to a hyperconnected brain capable of forging novel connections between seemingly disparate ideas and concepts; creativity abounds as our neural structure is now much more deeply connected and thereby open to new pathways of thinking and being.

I found this to be a curse as my nervous system was now far more sensitive to the effects of the modern day stressors which I am a refugee from. Was I really more sensitive though? Or just more perceptive to the stimuli which had caused chronic distress throughout my life since I’ve always been a ‘Highly Sensitive Person’. Both; the blessing was that I was now able to clearly identify all the ‘environmental criteria’ which were objectively causing wear and tear on my nerves and psyche and was now able to enact the lifestyle changes which removed me from the sources of stress and delivered me to a peaceful forest. I wouldn’t nor couldn’t have had it any other way.

If you wish to deepen your connection with the magical world of Fungi and are one of the rare lucky few to live in an area where Magic Mushrooms are legal to grow, and are wonderful resources for you. Caution: unless you live in Denver or D.C., growing this Schedule 1 substance can bring you more jail time than robbing a bank, so please be careful with your ‘freedom’.

There’s always ‘Blue Portal’ standing by in Jamaica to deliver you to your self.

In the United States there are a few religious organizations which hold medicine ceremonies as part of their practice. They are very low key as they sometimes get hassled even though they have a legal right to practice their religion which includes ingesting sacraments as an integral part of their ceremonies; finding them is usually a matter of synchronicity. Such religions include the Native American Church, the Santo Daime and the União do Vegetal (UDV). If your desire is sincere, ask the universe from the depths of your heart to connect you with whom you need; let go and allow synchronicity to handle the rest.

If you are serious about this work then I highly recommend the following books to prepare you for this journey of a lifetime.

“The Psychedelic Experience” – Timothy Leary, Ralph Metzner & Richard Alpert – An absolutely indispensable guide book for navigating your experience based on “The Tibetan Book of the Dead”.

“Mushroom Wisdom” by Martin Ball – This book was absolutely critical for my Psilocybinetic research as it goes into depth regarding the power of Psilocybin to facilitate pattern re-cognition. Nature is fractal.

“The Doors of Perception” by Aldous Huxley – A book about how to see.

Remember, healing is just another step along the path. Once we are healed, whole, and healthy we’re ready to take on the bigger task of self-actualization.

All the best to you on your journey; safe travels and bon voyage! 🙂