My Story

Welcome, and thank you for reading my story. My story is the story of so many of us (kinda/sorta).

I dropped out of high school in my senior year because my mobile car detailing business ‘Doctor Detail’ was kicking off, clients were calling me to go detail their Lexus, and I was stuck in school being baby-sat or spoon-fed regurgitated information that has nothing to do with my life.

I got into George Mason University after attending Northern Virginia Community College for a couple years. My first semester at Mason I realized that my money was better spent traveling than buying expensive text books and paying $1,000 out of pocket for each class. Indeed, traveling to foreign and exotic places has been the cornerstone of my education, and has opened my mind more than anything else besides natural medicines.

Over the years I served with steadfast discipline (except for all the times I was too lazy or depressed to get out of bed) and earned the Angie’s List Super Service Award, an honor granted to fewer than 5% of the service companies on Angie’s List. My commitment to quality, service, and having a friendly responsive business was the foundation of my success.

I must’ve absorbed gallons and gallons of toxic chemicals through my porous skin in my years of detailing cars. I don’t doubt that this weakened my immune system and contributed to my increasing sensitivity to modern life.

I have suffered from severe, debilitating, life threatening episodes of ‘The Depression’, with plenty of Anxiety (both social and general) and insomnia mixed in since age 15.

At my wits end and in deep despair I sought solace and healing for my body that was so bombarded by toxins and electromagnetic radiation that it literally wanted to cease to exist.

In June 2012 I flew to Oaxaca, Mexico to take part in a traditional Zapotec ceremony with Teonanacatl (which means The Flesh of the Gods). The mushrooms I ate during this ceremony opened me to my true being and purged from me much of the dis-ease and mental blockages which were keeping me far away from the path of self actualization.

I had discovered the healing potential of natural medicine and experienced how in just a few hours a life could be drastically transformed and set onto the path of its ultimate potential.

With mass extinction well under way I found that my hedonistic isolation was not serving Self; it was serving a very small aspect of Self (me) but not the collective whole whose suffering I felt deep in my core.

I knew that if I didn’t dive wholeheartedly into life and service I literally wouldn’t be able to live with myself.

I did a lot of soul searching, a lot, it’s kind of all I did for a while.

I knew that cleaning up our act was critical ever since I saw “An Inconvenient Truth” and saw how mycoremediation was one of our best bets thanks to Paul Stamets talk “6 ways mushrooms can save the world”.

But since most people can’t even acknowledge the gravity of our ecological predicament, pursuing a career in mycoremediation seemed like a pipe dream.

So I figured why not start with bioremediating the people? People after all, are the source of the ecological destruction which threatens our biosphere; this is of course due to pathetically poor leadership of a basically good-hearted but naive species.

What is polluting Humans the most besides so called food grown in toxified denutrified soil? Our environment.

What is it about our environments?

Besides the anti-life rectangular ‘architecture’ (drywall boxes) which most people live in surrounded by dirty electricity and consider normal it’s the fact that we’re bombarded by man made radiation 24/7 which the body interprets as light so we never get the chance to rest as deeply as we require.

How many right angles do you see in Nature? Is the light on 24/7?

It sure is now, and boxes are what most of our consciousnesses have been dwelling within.

Are you ‘Living In A Box’?

They knew it even way back in the 80s; life is circular…

I knew I had to break free from the box.

With so much of the country so close to failure prone Nuclear Power Plants I realized that being a mobile EMF home inspector could literally back fire at any minute.

They are not plants; I don’t know why they call them plants.

Side note: The Fukushima power plant in Japan which melted down in 2012ish was built by General Dynamics. This very same design is implemented in most of the power plants across the country. These “plants” have a life-span as all plants do; the destruction is embedded into the design, don’t ask me why.

My point is, I realized that society may have to move within a moments notice, and that in order to stay safe our houses would have to be on wheels (there’s ample trucks in the country that could tow us to safety in dire times.)

Rather than isolate myself in one of the safe zones like Green Bank in West Virginia where it may be difficult to find people like me (cooky people who like to sing and play), I decided to build my own shielded sanctuary so I could find peace amidst the chaos and be in the world near my loved ones. Thank God BioGeometry explained to me why shielding doesn’t work.

I became nomadic by choice as this allowed me the freedom and flexibility to travel and attend workshops/classes on Mycology, tiny house building, natural building and most importantly, BioGeometry. Plus I was able to travel indefinitely through National Forests where I could actually recuperate from the chronic stress I’d been living in for a lifetime.

I moved into a 15 passenger window van. It was all that I could afford at the time since being sick from living amidst wireless routers had rendered my mind unable to process the information necessary to sustain my livelihood.

Nomad ism allowed me to spend as much time as possible in my favorite places like the powerfully revitalizing forested Appalachian Mountains and kept me away from the noises of cities to which I’m particularly sensitive to and agitated by. It was lovely to be a snowbird in Florida eating local Oranges in the warm sunshine in February but man can I feel the radiation down there.

In the forest I fell in love with myself again. I fell in love with love and life. My desire to serve and help everybody rise into their bliss body was ever strengthened.

So rather than flee into the forest indefinitely to take care of me myself and I, I decided to take part in modern life and figure out a way to function in the world.

But this wasn’t so easy…

I’d amassed $64,000 in credit card debt since I was literally not able to deal with a cell phone anymore and so stopped taking any incoming calls for Doctor Detail which took a big chunk of my workload and money away. Doctor Detail had been paying the bills alright, but was only earning enough to satisfy the minimum payments on its credit cards, so I realized that it had to be put down.

My Uncle in spirit, Joey ‘CoCo’ Diaz was plugging on his podcast to let people know they had a way out of debt, through consolidation. I got a quote to consolidate my debt and was so relieved to find that upstart was able to buy all my debt and sell it back to me for half! So I’d only have to pay them $32,000; unfortunately since I was homeless and jobless I quickly realized I had no way of making those payments either.

So, out of luck and options I realized that euthanasia was my best bet. I’d suffered enough, lived enough, and was actually quite content, joyful and happy much of the time, more than I’d been in any other part of my life.

So I thought you know what? Today is a good day to die, and I shall give myself a proper peaceful dignified death and float off to reunite with my soul tribe in the heavenly realms. But unfortunately my body had different ideas and recoiled at the thought of any harm being inflicted upon it.

Plus, I had just earned my license to work as a BioGeometry Associate-Practitioner and had this nagging feeling that just maybe there was somebody out there who would value my knowledge, skills and wisdom. So I held on!

It wasn’t easy. I wanted to die very badly actually. But my problem was that I didn’t want to hurt anybody, including myself. So I was stuck between a big rock and a very hard place. Not wanting to live on this Earth as it is and being unable to survive as an EMF refugee even if I wanted to since I couldn’t linger near cities where my friends and work were.

Then I figured out I could mail a bunch of forms to the bankruptcy court and show up in person to clear my slate, and so I did! I’d played by the rules and failed at Doctor Detail so now I kept playing by the rules to facilitate a graceful exit from the corporate world and gave myself a fresh start and a new chance at life.

Still, I wanted to die. Give me everything and that won’t change. It’s because I know where I came from and where I’m returning to and sometimes the contrast between this Earthly world and my true home is just too great and leaves me in a despondent despair.

Still, I dare to keep playing; the game’s just getting good. Really good. Thanks to my families help I was able to buy 5 acres of agriculturally zoned land in Fisher, WV to play out my dream of starting a mushroom farm which I work towards every day. I’m off grid and loving the practice of rugged individualism; though I yearn for more collaboration with other like minds it seems like everybody is too busy doing their own thing and that people in general are not ready to embrace the co-creative utopia we could so easily be living in if we started living by Ubuntu: (link).

So anyways, if you want to read more about my life you’ll have to wait for my memoir; but I’m too poor to justify working on it right now so please hire me so I can invest in my farm and start growing food for money to invest in my non-profit tiny house company to help solve homelessness.

YouTube recommended this video to me; it really resonated:

I’m not an alarmist. I’m a truthist. My truth doesn’t have to be your truth. Find your own truth. If my writing resonates with you it’s likely because we share certain truths.

But it don’t really matter to me, you believe what you wanna believe.

Take it from me, or at least take it from Tom Petty; you don’t have to live like a refugee.

So why lay there, reveling in your abandon?